Savings & Investment Advice
We will build you an investment or pension portfolio based around your needs, your individual circumstances and what you’re trying to achieve.
These can be built from scratch for a new investment. Alternatively, we often help clients with existing investment or pension savings which haven’t been looked at or effectively managed for years.
To build a portfolio of investments we do the following:
- Blend a mix of different assets to meet the level of risk you are comfortable with
- Take account of our view of current and likely future economic circumstances prior to selecting asset allocation amounts
- Make use of both passive and managed investment strategies
- Consider the best methods or investment structures of holding your investment, ISA, Unit Trust, OEIC, Bond, Pension on or offshore etc
- Assess the past performance of funds within its sector over a period of both 3 and 5 years
- Investigate the costs and charges associated with each asset or fund
- Review Sharpe Ratios of each fund – This is a mathematical equation which analyses the relationship between a funds risk and its return in relation to a risk free asset. It helps to show if growth is due to smart investment decisions or if it’s a result of taking more risk than similar funds
- Consideration is given to the length of time fund managers have been in charge of funds recommended
- Make use of tax planning strategies within your portfolio
We have invested in market leading technology which allows us to assess every fund available in the UK quickly and cost effectively. This removes bias and ensures we provide impartial, independent advice consistently over the lifetime of your investment.
Investment conditions can and will change over time. That’s why we offer an ongoing review service, where we make recommendations to alter your portfolio to maintain its quality and help it adapt to changing economic conditions.
Please be aware you are not certain to make money, you may incur a loss as investments can go down as well as up.